Definition of Commerce:


1.  an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries (foreign commerce) or between different parts of the same country (domestic commerce);  trade; Business

2.social relations, especially the exchange of views, attitudes, etc.

3.intellectual or spiritual interchange; communion.

4.(initial capital letter ) Also called Commerce Department. Informal . the Department of Commerce.

How affiliate marketers choose to practice commerce varies in more ways than I can describe here.  What I'd like to see affiliate marketers doing more of is reaching outside of themselves to meet people in a more direct way.  Get to know the person and what their interests and goals in life may be.  To really reach out in a caring way.  Unfortunately, most internet marketers don't really want to get to know the people they are trying to do commerce with.  They are only focused on reaching their monetary goals, and their last thought (if at all) is about the customer.

Now I'm not saying that they all are like that, I have seen some real caring marketers.  Usually you will know them because they have been around a while.  The real pushy or aggressive ones don't last long.  At least I hope this is true.  You still must be very careful with who you are dealing with.  Mainly because there are newbies coming online everyday.  Who knows where they have been trained, or if they have ethics.  Yes, the internet does have it's own standards of ethics. 


You can choose between 3 ways of doing commerce.  Each way has it's pros and cons.  You decide what way you want to promote your Business, and do commerce.

1.       WAR –  You can strive to be BIGGER AND STRONGER and bully prospective clients into your  buying your product – You can play dirty and tell tales to get customers.

a.      Problem –You make enemies.
b.      Payback - You will eventually reap what you sow.
c.      Self Respect - You will be seen and known as a Bully.
d.      Bother People - People will avoid you and you will develop and bad   reputation.  You will soon be out of Business.

2.    BARTER AND TRADE – You have excess product to offer as trade or insentive.

a.       Offer - You offer something for something else.
b.      Balance - You will always be unbalanced in your trades or you will be unsuccessful.  Hence, the customer has to always loose.
c.       Failure - There is a high degree for chance of failure. 
d.      Blame - You will wind up blaming others or yourself (take a self-esteem hit).  
e.      Percentages - 87% Ignorance 10 Stupidity 3% Sabotage


a.       Offer - Produce something that was nothing.  Sell something that benefits everyone involved.
b.      Advertise - Bring something that was not seen, to where it is now seen. 
c.       Know Your Product - You need to see it from the inside in order to manifest it to the outside public.
d.      Visualize Success - Sit and visualize what your success looks like.
e.      Ideas - Your ideas come from within.  Continue to think ahead for the future.
f.        GOD - Ask God for help - God will help with all righteous endeavors.
g.       Change - Your situation and put positive energy out to inspire others.
h.      Speak the Power of 2 – Visualize your goal – Put it in the atmosphere  – Say out loud your desired goal!
i.         Know what you want - write down your top 3 goals and keep them out where you see them everyday!
j.        Self Worth - There is something inside you that is waiting to be born - develop it and keep your goals in the forefront of your mind everyday!  If you create it, it will happen.

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Thanks for your message. Let's keep in touch. Kalyn