1.  SOCIAL MEDIA:  Not using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs, MySpace, and other 
     Social Media sites as essential marketing tools is the biggest internet marketer mistake.  

2.  FORUMS:  Internet Marketing Forums have their benefits but use them sparingly. If you 
     spend a lot of time in Forums, you are not marketing in Social Media sites or doing other 
     important marketing strategies.  Limit your time!

3.  EMAIL INBOX:  Some Internet Marketers will send you good information BUT emails 
     distract you from your daily tasks!   Receive emails from only one or two IM's.   File and 
     save their emails to read them later.  You only want to see how they market to others, 
     how they put  bonus's together, etc. This information is helpful to know but don't spend
      “prime time” on reading emails.

4.  FOCUS ON A NICHE:  It is important to research different trends to find a profitable niche,
      but there is a point where research has to stop and you need to make a choice.  If you have
      been paying attention in the Social Media sites and watching trends of products, you can 
      trust you choices.  Also, doing searches in google, bing, and others will tell you the numbers
      related to the niche.  The best way is to test the market yourself.

5.  CUSTOMER LEAD PAGE WITH OPT-IN:  Not taking steps to build your own email list 
      will end your business before it has a chance to begin.  An absolute must is having an 
      auto-responder because it will automate, organize and save you a lot of time servicing 
      your customers.  There are good ones out there, Aweber or Get Response were the 
      old-time favorites.  However, today there are Marketing Sites that not only have auto-
      responders, but give you marketing tools like banners, lead pages, sales pages, opt-in
      forms, postcards, and many other perks.  There are many to choose from online. The 
      basic lead page has your Opt-in Form and offers the customer something free.  The 
      reason you offer a free product is that you are more likely to get their email address. 
      The most commonly "free" gift is a ebook relating to your niche.

6.  NETWORKING:  If you think you know how internet marketing works and it is not 
      necessary to network with other internet marketers, you are so wrong.   In every business
      or  organization, working with other people in similar businesses will only benefit your 
      business.  We learn so much when we share communications between business persons. 
      There are books and articles we can learn from but networking builds relationships that 
      will help your businesses future.  Join clubs and become a member of  business organi-
      zations you will find this is a rich field for networking.  There is always something we can
      learn from other people and you should also be willing to share your knowledge.

7.  OVER SPENDING:  The internet is full of wonderful and tempting products that promise 
      to make your life easier, to help you make more money, and everything in between.  It is 
      easy to get tempted to purchase these products because you want your business to be 
      successful. You can get too caught up thinking you have to have this product or else you 
       will not be successful or they put a time limit on the “sale” price that you have to respond 
       right now. When I see something that is threatening me the price is not going to be there
       tomorrow, I leave that page immediately.  Then you might even see another plea for your
       money.  You really need to get tuff skin when dealing with all these cries for your money. 
       You need to keep focused on YOUR business.  You need a lot fewer products than you 
        may think.  Networking with others will help direct good purchases in your field or niche.

8.  GOAL OR MISSION STATEMENT:  Having a Mission Statement for your business is
      imperative.  You need to think of yourself as a business and take what you sell or service
      seriously.  Make goals for yourself daily, weekly and have a year goal in mind.  This helps
      you reach outside your comfort zone to accomplish more than you ever thought you could. 
      When you reach a goal, set another one and keep reaching and striving for excellence in
       your field.  Aim High! 

9.  NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE?:  Disappointments are part of doing business with people. 
      We must understand that there are ups and downs in every aspect of life and business 
       life is no different.  It is important not to take “no thanks” as a personal assault.  You 
       should have a believe in what you are selling and know that it may not be for everyone. 
       AND there are millions of people out there.  You only need to find like-minded people 
        who see your product the way you see it “The Best Product Online”.  Keeping positive 
        people around you is also necessary.  Surround yourself with people who support your 

10.  CUSTOMER SERVICE:  If you are not a people person, this business is not for you.
        Internet Business' purpose is to service people's needs.  Knowledge of your product
        is important but developing a relationship with people is how you are able to sell your
        product. People will only purchase a product or service from someone they trust. 
        To earn or develop a persons trust, you need to have a relationship with them. 
         Branding your business will helps customers to recognize that they know you 
         and trust you, recommend your brand to their friends and family. Just like well 
         known brands, like Coke or Pepsi, people trust brands only when they have had 
         good customer services relationships with the business.   So it all comes down 
         to good customer service builds businesses.

If instead of doing the No No's, you complete the above ten steps, you will be well prepared 
to serve your customers and build your business.  Taking the time and making the effort to 
improve yourself and your business relationships can only be beneficial in growing your 
business.  Successful businesses don't just happen, it takes a lot of work and is a learning 
process that is a continual process.  Trends are always changing, technology changes the 
way we do things, and social needs evolve.  So businesses need to stay involved and 
updated on what is current in the market place. 

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Thanks for your message. Let's keep in touch. Kalyn