Monday, August 6, 2012

Do You Still Have Dreams for the Future?

Are You Ready To Make A Difference In Your Life? Do you still have hopes you haven't fulfilled? We all have dreams and goals in our life. The important thing is to strive to make your dreams and goals come true. Take the steps necessary, take the risks necessary by coming out of your comfort zone.
What are your DREAMS and GOALS?
First of all, do you still have dreams? Have you put them out of your mind and said to yourself, "I'll never get that so I might as well stop dreaming about it". Well, I'm here to tell you that you need to put those dreams back in you thoughts and decide today that you are going to make a difference in your life. So with your dream in mind, say your dream is working from home and spending more time with your family, now it's time for you to set your goals that will put you in the direction of your dream!
When you set goals, you need to write them down on a piece of paper. Just thinking about it does not work. You need it in black and white AND you need to post it somewhere where you will see it daily. Make a check list, I call them baby steps, of things you need to do that will take you in that direction. For instance, one step you need to take is to find out how you can get out of that dead end job, or get a job that has the flexibility you need. If you are serious about working from home. then you will visit the link in blue. I did and I can assure you it has changed my life.
So what about your dreams? Are your dreams going to be in your head as something you will think about "someday"? Well, if you really want to work from home and be with your family and have the time in your life to do what you want to do, wouldn't your dream become your goals? Wouldn't they be plans that include dates to reach them?
Goals show commitment; dreams do not. Dreams are what we would like to have without doing any work. Would you like to be rich? Of course you would, everyone would. That's why so many people play the lottery; they have a dream of striking it rich "someday".
Now is the time to act upon your dreams and turning them into goals. The baby step I believe you need to take first is to join my team of successful marketers. If you still want to work that dead end job, you can while you learn and make money as my team member. I took the steps to accomplish my goal and now I am living my dream.
I too had a full-time job that was going no where. In fact, they gave us all lay off notices. So I started in a whole new direction and learned a whole new way of thinking about my future. I now have control of my life back where it belongs. I no longer have to be somewhere at a certain time and if I'm late I get a ding on my evaluation. I don't need someone to tell me what to do, I know what I need to do to make money and it really works. If you are a self-starter and if you are motivated to make that change in your life, the time is right for your dream to come true. You too can work from home and make money while you learn a new business. My team of marketers all help and work with each other because what we do effects each other. We want everyone to be successful. In this business we help each other up instead of always looking for reasons to put you down. It's a great business and a great feeling when people really care about each others success.
It's time to realize your dreams and set the goal to do something now, like in today! You can change your life for the better when you take back the power in your life to make your own decisions. Do what you want to do. If you want to work from home., then do it! The opportunity is there all you have to do it take it.

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Thanks for your message. Let's keep in touch. Kalyn